A Church For Columbus
We exist as a church to lead the people of Columbus into a life changing relationship with Jesus. Connecting at a deep level with God brings us to a life full of passion and purpose. As we learn to hear his voice, we can have increasing health and joy in our families. As we experience his heart, we will grow in compassion for the lost and hurting that exist around us in our city. Come and explore the heart of God and discover meaning, direction and purpose for your life!
A Church For Columbus
We exist as a church to lead the people of Columbus into a life changing relationship with Jesus. Connecting at a deep level with God brings us to a life full of passion and purpose. As we learn to hear his voice, we can have increasing health and joy in our families. As we experience his heart, we will grow in compassion for the lost and hurting that exist around us in our city. Come and explore the heart of God and discover meaning, direction and purpose for your life!
Connect With Us
Our Sunday service begins at 10:00. All are welcome. We spend time singing, praying for the sick, and hearing a message from one of our pastors. We offer nursery care, as well as fun activities for children during our service. We have a Hispanic service Sundays at 3:00. We also invite you to come out during the week for one of our Connect Groups. These provide a chance to connect with each other at a deeper level, and to seek direction from God’s Word. Currently we have a women’s group that meets on Wednesday nights as well as a men’s group which meets on Thursday nights.
Connect With Us
Our Sunday service begins at 10:00. All are welcome. We spend time singing, praying for the sick, and hearing a message from one of our pastors. We offer nursery care, as well as fun activities for children during our service. We have a Hispanic service Sundays at 3:00. We also invite you to come out during the week for one of our Connect Groups. These provide a chance to connect with each other at a deeper level, and to seek direction from God’s Word. Currently we have a women’s group as well as a men’s group which meet on Wednesday evenings, as well as a Sunday evening group that is open to all.
Each Sunday we have a message from one of our pastors from the Word of God – the Bible. We believe that his Word is full of life giving wisdom and direction for our lives and is still a major way in which God speaks to us today. While exploring the Bible for ourselves is important, hearing from our pastors is a great way to challenge ourselves to go deeper into our relationship with God.
The Lord’s Prayer Series
February 12, 2017 – April 2, 2017
Entering Into God’s Rest Series
January 8, 2017 – February 5, 2017
Hope Prayer Series
December 12, 2016 – January 2, 2017

Ever have a question about God or the Christian worldview? A nagging question that you have always wanted to ask someone, but didn’t know who? While we may not have an answer for every question, this could be the right place to bring up that area that you have wondered about…. a place to go a bit deeper regarding what it means to be a Christian in a world that doesn’t always make sense.